Monday, July 9, 2007

Liars Cheats and Bastards

Liars cheats and is the site for your revenge. Expose your cheating ex, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, friend, partner or boss.

Liars, cheats, bastards, love rats are not just men but women too. Do you know a man or woman that needs to be exposed? You can expose your lying wife, husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, boss or business partner.

Habitual liars and habitual cheats are exposed for having their bit on the side or having a fling. True stories of dating cheats, real men and real women expose their true life stories, the reality of arguments, rowing, shouting, hate even abuse. Both mental and physical abuse. These are the true stories from hell about the romances from hell which lead to the divorces from hell. Cheating boyfriends, cheating girlfriends, cheating husbands, cheating wives, cheating lovers and cheating partners or just cheating men and cheating women, it’s habitual cheating.

Stories of celebrity love rats, celebrity divorces and celebrity life, reality. Secret affairs, heartbreak. Flirting with a real charmer offering romance, commitment, loyalty then marriage. Leading to heartache, betrayal, treachery, then the splitting up, breaking up, separation.

Or the money grabbers, the gold digger who has affairs for reward and not for passion. We have it all, love affairs from hell, divorce, cheats from hell, liars from hell, I hate him, I hate her, I hate them. Getting revenge, come-uppance, retribution and punishment. Not just spite by the spiteful, name and shame, you name to shame your lying boyfriends, lying girlfriends, lying wives, lying husbands, lying partners, lying lovers.

Lying men and lying women expose their secrets. Bitches and bastards need to be exposed. Our real life stories of treachery, bad marriages, betrayed wives, betrayed husbands, betrayed lovers, broken hearts and broken marriages. Getting divorced, divorce lawyers, and marital problems after separation.


Sara said...

Sadly it no longer exists

Unknown said...

The world is not fair, and often fools, cowards, liars and the selfish hide in high places. See the
link below for more info.


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

patrick davie lies and cheats. look @ karly's daddy on tumblr.he told my 17 friend he ❤️was gonna marry her than broke her heart a dd is sup to protect his lg. he's a perv and a pedophile

Unknown said...

Tamara Sanchez is a xactress. Called tammy sands. She acts well she acts like she's loyal. But sees 3 + men organized. And has a rich Asian paying her bills from San diego. I think she's possibly in rehab right now. For many bad drugs. Be careful if you meet her.

Unknown said...

I was fooled .The way you.know she's lying her lips are moving.

Unknown said...

i work too hard to live with a cheating wife. As soon i saw the signs, i was able to get a PI who recommended me to who helped me hack my wife internet habits. she hacked my ex-wife email, phone calls, text msg , icloud and dating websites and found the truth about her. I am happy she is now gone from my life. thanks to (remoteserversnetwork@gmail) for helping me

Bitch go said...

Tate spreacker! From mustang,ok is the biggest piece of shit of a dad! He has a 16 year old son in 11th grade & leaves him home all the time to be gone with his girlfriend .his son has no car, tate never keeps food in the house & expects him to not ever eat I guess.when his son called him about nothing in the house to eat he says he's at work & can't do anything! Well that's a lie & he was at the casino while his son's at home starving.hes unfit and puts his girlfriend of ,6months the most first.

Unknown said...

20 years of marriage and he swindled "my"(documented)not our, home making me homeless at 66 likely to move you in. He gambles. Monte Brown New Mexico

DebraTG said...

This toothless ridiculous skank with HPV thinks he's gonna impregnate a 20 year old and be happy forever! He's a bad liar, uses up our savings on escorts, is lazy, and doesn't have a clue about life. He's addicted to tv and Xbox, and will lie about his earnings, his phone usage, his internet searches, his porn habit, and make them all your fault. He travels building granary storage bins, mostly in the Midwest, and is one foul human being. Beware of MIKE GABLER ladies! He's as ugly as it gets. Debra Gabler Colorado